The Kids and Youth Clubs impart core values such as fair play, tolerance and environmental awareness.

Professional clubs impart values and passion for football to their youngest fans at Kids and Youth Clubs.

Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 clubs have been taking care of their youngest fans for years. There are various initiatives, projects and offerings to build character among children, teenagers and young adults and impart core values such as fair play, tolerance and environmental awareness.

  • 1. What are the aims of the Kids and Youth Clubs?

    The Kids Clubs have self-imposed values with educational aims across all the clubs. Based on these values, projects, initiatives and activities are planned and carried out. One particular aim is to break down prejudices against other clubs in an age-appropriate way, as well as targeted work to prevent all forms of discrimination and xenophobia. All Kids and Youth Clubs also focus on preventing violence and promoting peaceful coexistence. In addition, the children and young people are taught about important topics such as healthy eating, sport, and interaction with the environment.

  • 2. How do the Kids and Youth Clubs work across clubs?

    The DFL coordinates the network of people responsible for kids’ and youth clubs and develops overarching approaches and quality standards in close cooperation with a club working group. This has also given rise to a shared mission statement. This describes what the Kids Clubs stand for and what goals they pursue. The offerings of the clubs are very diverse: the kids meet up for different activities that are always connected to football, but go beyond. For example, they go together to museums or librarys or attend painting and reading events. In addition, the DFL offers subject-specific training and further education in order to constantly enhance the quality of the work.

  • 3. How many children and young people attend the Kids and Youth Clubs?

    More than 180,000 young fans aged between five and 17 are organised into the Kids and Youth Clubs of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2. Youth clubs offer educational and social activities for young people in order to impart tolerance, empathy and an awareness of diversity, but also an interest in exercise, education and health-conscious behaviour.

  • 4. How long have the Kids Clubs been around?

    Professional football has been involved in experience-based education for children and young people since 1995.  In that year, the first Kids Club (the “Lions”) was founded in Leverkusen with the aim of creating an offer especially for young football fans. Since then, the educational concept and the values have been constantly enhanced.