Personal statement by DFL President Dr Reinhard Rauball: “I would like to leave the house in order”
10.09.2018 – After today’s meeting of the DFL Board, DFL President Dr Reinhard Rauball made the following personal statement:
“Next year, I will have led DFL as President for twelve years. Together with the clubs, their committee representatives and the DFL-GmbH, a lot has been achieved for German professional football. But the fact is that Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 are now standing at a major crossroads – with regard to athletic and financial competitiveness on the international stage and to the relationship between the clubs and the two leagues. The world around us has changed. As DFL, we must therefore redefine some things for ourselves. This includes the question of the best organisational framework, the right structure for DFL and its committees.
I already discussed this with my two deputies Peter Peters and Helmut Hack in April of this year. Together, we are persuaded that DFL e.V., as the association for the 36 clubs, requires a new, contemporary form of organisation. The clubs’ desire for involvement has increased considerably in recent years. At the same time, Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 have increasingly developed individual interests. Both must be considered without abandoning the tried and tested principle of solidarity.
One specific factor in these considerations is the DFL President’s role as ‘chief representative’ – a role that, in light of the multitude of different tasks, interests, demands and desires, I now believe is very difficult for a single person to perform. For the DFL, structures and competencies must be geared systematically to the challenges of the future, not to yesterday’s by-laws and especially not to individuals.
In recent weeks, we have also spoken with the club representatives in the DFL committees about these ideas for structural reform. In order to bring a future model to life at DFL’s general meeting in August 2019, the clubs now have to discuss the changes and pass appropriate resolutions by the end of the year, if possible. This will not affect DFL-GmbH. My aim is to lead this process to an optimum result in the interests of all 36 clubs.
After deliberating hard, I have decided not to stand for office at DFL again this summer. Once the future course is set, it is only logical that younger people take over leadership and responsibility in a new DFL structure from that point on. I have informed my colleagues on the DFL Board about this decision today. My decision relates only to my role at DFL and not to my future at Borussia Dortmund.
I will of course remain fully committed to working on behalf of the clubs until the DFL general meeting in 2019. I would like to leave the house in order.”