SPOAC visits DFL office in New York

27 May 2022 – Part of a module of the General Management Program of the Sports Business Academy by WHU (SPOAC) was held at the premises of DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga’s representative office in New York. 35 participants visited the DFL’s Americas office in order to, among other things, exchange ideas with Arne Rees, Chairman of the Board of the DFL subsidiary Bundesliga International. SPOAC’s General Management Program, led by Professor Sascha Schmidt, is an part-time training opportunity for experienced sports managers from clubs, agencies, and the media, former professional athletes and lateral entrants, looking at growth areas, trends, and potential in sport.
The main question the participants discussed during the visit, which was organised together with the DFL’s International Affairs department, was: “Bundesliga in the U.S. – What are the next steps for growth?” Building on a presentation by Marcel Frei, DFL International Affairs Officer, the delegation first worked on a case study relating to the Bundesliga, presented their findings and discussed them as a group. After this, Arne Rees gave a keynote speech about the strategic direction of German professional football in America.
The General Management Program covers nine modules in total – such as “Internationalization in a Digital World”, which included the three-day New York visit from 25-27 May 2022. In addition to the DFL representative office, the participants also visited FC Bayern München’s satellite office in New York among others.
About SPOAC – Sports Business Academy by WHU
To prepare future managers in the industry as well as “high potentials” from other business areas for future challenges in the sports business in the best way possible, “SPONSORs” and the “WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management” – one of the most renowned business schools in Europe – have initiated the “SPOAC – Sports Business Academy by WHU”. Since its foundation in 2014, more than 400 students have participated in various SPOAC programs – ranging from specific “Excellence Programs” over two to three days to the complete one-year “General Management Program”. SPOAC is supported by the following partners: DFL, WWP, DOSB, and SPORTFIVE.